David Cabreras' Games

This page is for the games which were written by David Cabrera. David was also the main GM of these games with David Wulatin being his Co-GM. Games are listed by year they were run at Gen Con.
  • Last Stop (2006) How many thousands of people in Chicago take the subway everyday with no problems? Well don’t count these six. There is no archeologist, no scientist and no antiques dealer. It’s only people like you. Guess they’ll have to survive on their wits and ingenuity. Yeah right. Ready to go along for the ride? Please stand clear of the doors and wait for your heart to come to a complete stop.
  • Storyteller (2007) Once upon a time there was a little man who lived in a little room. He had many stories to tell but no one would listen, not even a little. He was very sad. But now he has some new friends that can listen to his stories. He will be happy. And then they can all live happily ever after, or they could just die. Bedtime stories will never be the same. The End.
  • Precinct (2008) The city: New York. The gang crimes and violence capital of the western hemisphere. Gangs terrorize the streets on days that end in Y and leave the citizens of the city fearfully asking "Why"? The mayor doesn't know where to turn. But when tonight is over, those on both sides of the thin blue line will think of the gang wars as the good ole days. Make sure you've got a pair and have one in the chamber - it's time to hit the streets.
  • Pound Foolish, Penny Wise (2009) Colorado is the home of the Rockies, the Great Plains and now something else. A mystery has fallen over a small secluded town and they need your help to solve it. But it’s a race against the clock, so you better be quick! They you can try to answer the question: Are you pound foolish or penny wise?
  • Unnamable Basterds (2010) We're gonna be doin' on thang and one thang only. Killin' Natzi! Allied intelligence report something new has reared its ugly head from the Nazi regime. Now it's up to your small band of commandos to travel deep behind enemy lines to find out what it is and put and end to it. They say you guys are a little crazy. Good! You're going to need it!

David Cabreras' Profile

The Evil Fleet Website